Many users seems to be facing this error while trying to access a cracked game from torrent. Anyways, as far as the reason for this isuse is concerned, it quite be quite a few ones. These incldue the likes of outdated/missing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages, missing/corrupt Vulkan Runtime Libraries, outdated Graphics Drivers or DirectX components, or corrupt system files. So in this guide, we will show you various methods to effectively address these concerns, which in turn should fix the Activation64.dll error. Follow along.

How to Fix “Activation64.dll is missing” Error in Windows 11

It is recommended that you try out each of the below-mentioned workarounds and then see which one spells out success for you. So with that in mind, let’s get started.

FIX 1: Install Vulkan Runtime Libraries

First and foremost, you should install all the runtime libraries related to Vulkan. This is because if any one of those libraries might be missing, then it could spell out trouble for the entire system.

FIX 2: Manually Download Activation64.dll

If installing the Vulkan Runtime Libraries didn’t spell out success for you, then you could also just download the standalone vulkan-1.dll file and transfer it to its right directory, as instructed below-

FIX 3: Update DirectX

DirectX contains a bunch of APIs for handling tasks related to multimedia, gaming, and programming. It also helps the applications to have access to certain hardware components on your PC, such as graphics card, video cards, RAM, etc. If you are using an older version of DirectX, then various games and apps might have to function in a restricted enivonment.

Therefore, you should consider updating the DirectX to its latest version. However there is no standalone package that you could get your hands on. Rather, the updates are shipped with the latest OS upgrades. So make sure to download and install the latest Windows updates right away. Here’s how-

FIX 4: Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package

As is evident from its name, this package from Microsoft contains all the crucial Visual C++ files that are needed for the proper functioning of the runtime libraries. So if you haven’t updated it in quite a while, then there are two different methods through which you could do the same-

First off, head over to Settings > Windows update and download and install the pending updates. Since the update comes with the latest version of Visual C++ Redistributable as well, so upon installing the OS update, Visual C++ will be updated as well.Next up,  you could download the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package and it will automatically install the latest version of this software on your PC. Check if it fixes the “Activation64.dll is missing” error on your Windows 11 PC.

FIX 5: Update Graphics Drivers

Using old or outdated graphics drivers could be the root cause of this issue as well. Therefore, you should consider updating these drivers to the latest version, using the instructions given below-

FIX 6: Use SFC and DISM Commands

System File Checker and Deployment Image Servicing and Management are two command-line utility tools that scan for corrupt Windows files and then replace them with their working counterpart. The major difference between the two is whereas the SFC replaces the corrupt files with the working ones from the cached directory on your PC, DISM does so by downloading the working files from the online Microsoft servers. And as of now, we would be making use of both these tools to fix the underlying issue.

FIX 7: Reinstall Application

If none of the aforementioned methods spelled out success, then your last course of action should be to uninstall and then reinstall the concerned application. It could well be the case that the DLL file is already present on your PC but the app is unable to read it. So a fresh re-install should do the job. That’s it. These were the seven different methods that should help you fix the “Activation64.dll is missing” error on your Windows 11 PC. If you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments. We will get back to you with a solution at the earliest.

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 Activation64 dll is missing  Error in Windows 11  How to Fix - 25 Activation64 dll is missing  Error in Windows 11  How to Fix - 25 Activation64 dll is missing  Error in Windows 11  How to Fix - 1 Activation64 dll is missing  Error in Windows 11  How to Fix - 76 Activation64 dll is missing  Error in Windows 11  How to Fix - 18 Activation64 dll is missing  Error in Windows 11  How to Fix - 22 Activation64 dll is missing  Error in Windows 11  How to Fix - 27 Activation64 dll is missing  Error in Windows 11  How to Fix - 55 Activation64 dll is missing  Error in Windows 11  How to Fix - 92 Activation64 dll is missing  Error in Windows 11  How to Fix - 35